The basics of hospitality and service

Oscar Lindeberg · 29/04/2024

The basics of hospitality and service

This course is designed to provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of hospitality and service in the hotel and restaurant industry.

The course is in video format, but there is also text under each part.

We are going through:

  1. Basic concepts and principles
  2. Effective communication and interaction
  3. Handling difficult situations and conflicts
  4. Personal service and customization according to the guest
  5. Closing and follow-up

After you have completed the course, we suggest that you immerse yourself in our other courses:

The power of body language
Service recovery and complaint handling
Knowledge of effective upselling

You will receive a certificate after completing a test at the end of the course. Mark the "Mark as Complete" button in each section and you will receive the certificate automatically.

About Instructor

Oscar Lindeberg

School of Service & Service Hub | CEO & Founder

18 Courses

Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons
  • 8 Topics
  • 1 Quiz